Clients say...
It's an easy to use, very convenient, fast, and well structured application: on approving modules, invoicing, balances/customer.
Gabriela Vlad,
Distribution Manager


We are focused on creating strong software which will promptly answer our customers’ requests within the most competitive IT solutions, and on integrating our knowledge into business objectives, thereby professionally transforming any idea into a concrete result.

The practical implementation of SDnet is based on a creative and strategic thinking, so that the applications can efficiently, responsibly, and confidentially respond to all needs of our client companies’ departments.

This is the way we define a successful collaboration:


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Implementation »
Implementarea aplicaţiei SDnet pornește de la integrarea tuturor funcţiilor...

Modules »
The SDnet application is structured in nine modules, which makes document management and report...

SDnet revolutionizes press distribution »
SDnet optimizes the entire activity of the distribution departments in publishing houses by taking...

Can Can »
Can Can was distributed with the help of SDnet from the first released newspaper. The SDnet...

PubliMedia »
PubliMedia International needed a management system that would fit the complexity of its...